Email us.

Email us with any questions or reviews. Leave the subject untouched.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

100th post!

Actually I didn't plan this but whatever

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dark Meadow Review

What would be the combination of Infinity Blade and some horror game (e.g. Fatal Frame)? Dark Meadow, that's what. This game is a tap-to-move FPS. Somewhat like Infinity Blade, where you tap to move. However, in this game, it's in a first person perspective rather than in third. When you enter the menu interface, it's kept simple but creepy. The sounds in the game really added to the scariness.

Galaxy Pirate Adventure Review

I came across an interesting space RPG: Galaxy Pirate Adventure. It looked similar to the Galaxy on Fire games by FISHLABS, so I decided to try it out.

In Galaxy Pirate Adventures, you initially own a frigate with small fighting capability. Fighting enemies, trading items and completing transport missions will reward you with money and resources necessary to build new ships, such as Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships, and even Battle Cruisers. There are many parts you can choose from to outfit your ship, helping your ship become stronger, faster, and more efficient when warping.

Just by looking at the menu, you will know the game has high quality graphics.

Contre Jour Review

Contre Jour, the perfect combination of World Of Goo and Cut the Rope, is probably one of the best games I have ever played. Something to say before I start this review is that I couldn't find any bad points for this game. It takes the major points of two individual games and miraculously combines them. The menu interface is something that really resembles World Of Goo. You can scroll through the 4 available worlds (each to be unlocked by gaining enough dots), and with each featuring a different theme. Each world contains 20 levels, and there are 3 dots to be obtained from each one. There isn't much of a problem of unlocking new worlds because if you play through all 20 levels, you should easily be able to get to the next world. Oh, by the way, Contre Jour means "against the light" in French.

Traffic Panic 3D Review

Do you want to control traffic? Do you want to cause traffic accidents as well? Do you want to see cars and buildings blow up? Then Traffic Panic 3D is the right game to buy. You control traffic of an intersection during rush hour. Either let the cars advance with green light or stop them with red light if cars are coming from the side. Don't let the cars crash into each other! BUT, you also need to be careful: if cars take too long to pass the intersection, you have now created a traffic jam! Which mean the game is over.
                    READ FULL REVIEW @APPBLITZ.NET

Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies Review

Call of Duty: Black Ops has finally reached the iPhone and iPad with Universal Support after about a year of waiting. Boy was I excited when I heard this was going to be released with the sequel of one of my favorite apps, Infinity Blade II. So, I immediately woke up and starting downloading this app. It took a good twenty minutes to download on Wi-Fi (even though it's only 400MB).

Infinity Blade II Review

Infinity Blade II, the extreme sequel to a game that was announced to be one of the greatest apps of all time, is out for the iPad/iPhone with Universal Support. This game is amazing and the graphics are as hot as ever. I noticed the increased detail in the outside scenery compared to the prequel, which was mostly indoors (or underground).

Monday, October 24, 2011

So sorry

-The One With The Nose

Really sorry about the infrequent posting. We've been busy of late with work, and thus haven't been able to post often enough. We'll post some new reviews soon, humans and bots.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops, Rezurection Pack

-The One With The Nose

Ok, so the other author and I bought the Rezurection map pack for the PlayStation 3. We haven't played it quite enough to review it yet (as I'm writing this it's downloading), but as soon as we can we'll post a review of the pack, and maybe some detailed pieces on the different maps. Keep checking back, people (and bots).

Monday, September 19, 2011

Just an update


Hey guys sorry I didn't get that search and destroy game up this weekend I was quiet ill. First of all, in MW2 I was noticing some more glitches in the game than usual. The kill cams Were all messed up, also I noticed the reload time was nothing. I know a bunch of you will say oh That's a hack no it is not I had it for a while. So then it was an infection, no it was not because it wore off. I think this is a signal that we need to MW3. Yea MW3 that thing it I am sure guys are a informed on what is in it or not. If you want I will do a video...after my cold goes away and I Will also do that commentary.
follow us!
I will also will you guys in by the end of the week with what is going on!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Halo: Reach

=The Taco of Choco

Halo Reach is Bungie’s latest and last halo game. After this, Halo is being run by 343, so Bungie decided to go all out with Reach. It contains several game modes, including Campaign, Multiplayer, Firefight, Custom, and Forge. I shall try and devote a paragraph to each.

The Campaign is a prequel to Halo 1 (there are quite a few Easter eggs referring to the original games). In it, you take the place of Noble Six, the elite Noble team’s newest and most promising member. The game starts out when your team goes to investigate rebel attacks, only to find out that they were instigated by the Covenant, an alien race hell bent on destroying Earth, by eliminating the planet Reach first. Your force eliminates the small teams quickly, but the Covenant begin to grow in numbers, soon bringing in vehicles and even anti aircraft guns. As your team tries to eliminate the growing threat, they begin to realize they are far outnumbered, and one by one, they sacrifice their lives to take out as many of them as possible. Reach is soon abandoned, and you are tasked with protecting Reach’s last hope, ancient artificial intelligence called Cortana. You eventually fulfill your mission, with almost every single member of your team killed. You deliver Cortana into good hands, and are then abandoned on Reach, where you singlehandedly must fight millions of Covenant. The game ends with a survival round, where you are trapped in a small base with floods of aliens coming in to murder you. You die heroically, and it shows your broken helmet returned to earth as the final scene.

Down to Campaign gameplay, each level is based with a specific game style in mind, e.g. sniping level, vehicle level, but due to the variety of weapons, each level can be completed with practically any set of weapons. You can choose to use the rocket launchers and assault rifles they give you, or you can sneak up onto an enemy tank and steal it. Enemies also come in multiple varieties. There are the stupid grunts, fast skirmishers, shielded jackals, powerful elites, and several other species, each with certain weaknesses and weapon sets. Difficulty wise, one can play this game on the easy or normal setting and beat each level in a matter of minutes, or it can be attempted on legendary for someone who desires a real challenge. If you’re suicidal like I am, you can turn on “Skulls” which make the game almost impossible, to the point where I’ve put almost three hours into a single level. I would buy this game for just the campaign by itself, it’s so good. But Bungie didn’t stop with just a fantastic campaign.

Matchmaking is a massive online FPS arena, where you and your team can eliminate players and score objectives, or you can be a lone wolf and eliminate everyone, gladiator style. There are several game modes, ranging from four to sixteen players. They are categorized under Slayer, Objective, and Special, which includes game like Living Dead and Swat. A personal favorite of mine is Invasion, which reminds of a campaign mission with the enemies being live people. The game play is relatively difficult, because unlike it’s counterpart COD, it take more than two seconds to kill someone with the regular weapon. Where it lacks the number of guns COD has, it makes up in variety. No two weapons are the same, and when used correctly all can be extremely devastating. And unlike CoD, there are drivable vehicles, adding another element to the game play. Team work is required for almost every game type, so players must work together to kill their opponents and score their objectives. Overall, it’s absolutely fantastic, but I admit that some of the guns are too powerful and need to be nerfed.

Firefight is a survival game type, where hordes of enemies from the campaign are spawned and a single player or group of people have to fight a select number of waves until they, or the hordes of enemies, run out of lives. When playing skillfully and cautiously, a single player can survive the game without dying a single time, or a group of friends can grab power weapons and just screw around for fun. Custom is exactly what it sounds like. A group of friends can fight each other locally or on Xbox live, on whatever maps and game types they choose. Forge is definitely one of the highlights of Halo: Reach. One can make maps of their own, using a set of hundreds of different weapons and platforms on an insanely massive landscape.

Overall, the game is fantastic, with so many game types and options that I have never gotten bored with it. The game is not for everyone, but if you want to know about how many game play hours you can get out of it, some of my friends have logged in a total of forty days worth of game play. I myself have only logged in about ten, but that’s impressive. Two hundred and forty hours, more than I’ve spent on the rest of my games combined. I would rate this game a 9.7, and the only reason I took three tenths of a point off was because there are several people who abuse the multiplayer, doing things like betraying their teammates and modding.

Song Of The Week: 9/4

-The One With The Nose

This week's song of the week is "Chain of Command" by Hans Zimmer in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 soundtrack. Check it out.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Respawn Army!

hey guys we are going to join the respawn army app on Facebook. The Respawn army is a way for Machinima to find to recruitment's, like us. You also upload game play and earn badges.
Here is the link to the respawn army page
We will give you more info on the respawn army deal and a new strategy for zombies on ascension it got us to round 28 just messing around we will be making a video on YouTube also.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Song Of The Week: 8/28

-The One With The Nose

This week's song of the week is one of my personal favorites, "Code of Conduct" by Hans Zimmer in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 soundtrack. This is a really great song, and excellent for the zombie apocalypse, in case that happens.

Monday, August 22, 2011

PlayStation Portable 2000

-The One With The Nose

Rating: 9.0

This system holds a special place in my heart, as is was the first system that was mine. It wasn't a family system, I owned it. This system is fairly portable, though it doesn't quite fit into a normal pocket comfortably. The graphics are acceptable, and the RAM is high enough for the games on the system. The PlayStation Store can take a while to load as the system doesn't stay connected to the Internet when it's not in use. The system has a wide variety of tasks that can be preformed, from playing movies and TV shows to reading comics to playing music, its range is wide enough for the typical consumer. The system has some disk space built in, and comes with a 1GB SD card for having a good amount of hard disk. The typical game on the PSP won't take up a GB, but FPS games will. If you're thinking of buying a PSP, I'd recommend getting a 2GB or more SD card for game save data and DLC. Overall, this is a solid system, and worth the price of $109.99.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Song Of The Week: 8/21

-The One With The Nose

This week's song of the week is a truly excellent song, "Lullaby of a Deadman" by Kevin Sherwood and Elena Siegman in the Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies soundtrack. Look at it, it's really very good.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Song Of The Week: 8/14

-The One With The Nose

This week's song is the song is "The First Sons"  by Jim Dooley in the inFAMOUS soundtrack. Check it out.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nintendo Wii

-The One With The Nose

Rating: 8.3

The Nintendo Wii, in my opinion, is a solid system. It's a good party system, not so much a serious gaming system. The wave of motion controls was really started by the Wii, and the Wii remained the only console to have motion controls for quite a while. It has pretty good accuracy from the motion controls, but not to the level of playing Call of Duty or other first-person-shooter games. At it's core, it's a party system, built for Nintendo games, such as Super Mario Brothers, and 3rd party games built for Nintendo, like Metroid. Games like Super Mario Party 8 and Super Smash Brothers Brawl are excellent on this system, and if you have low blood pressure, playing Mario Cart will work better than any medication to fix it. I give this system an 8.3, because it's a good system, but nothing to take over a small country for. So, go out and get a Wii if you want to play at parties, humans and bots.

New Thing That We're Doing

-The One With The Nose

So, guys, we're starting up this new program where we select a song from a game soundtrack and post it on the site. We'll do this every Sunday. Send suggestions into for what songs you want to see up. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

More On Music

-The One With The Nose

Ok, this isn't a game review, contest, video announcement, news update, or anything of that sort. This is music, game music. You might be surprised by us talking about music, but hey, that's one of the most important aspects of a game. So, reader, have you ever bought a game soundtrack? There are some amazing songs in there that you missed in the explosions or whatever was happening in-game. I was just listening through the soundtracks to Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops on iTunes, and let me tell you, they're amazing. Hanz Zimmer, thank you for Modern Warfare 2's soundtrack. You wrote almost every song on there, and they're excellent! Go out and listen to the songs. Here's a song I particularly recommend: "Damned" in the Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies soundtrack. It's the opening song that everyone knows, and it's good. That's all I have to say, humans and bots. See you on the internet.

Montage 2 trailer is out!


Hey guy montage 2 trailer is out! Here is the link

Full montage is on its way way soon! It will come faster if you subscribe!

Quick New Video Out


I uploaded a quick video of my knife being glitched.


We promise we can do better..


We now have a new video of us not failing at zombies as much as the last one, but we can do much better were working on it.
Anyways heres the video.

Remember subscribe!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Icon Contest 2

-The One With The Nose

Anyone remember the first icon contest? I thought not, it was a failure. Anyway, we're having another icon contest, and the winner will receive a shutout video and post. There may also be a monetary reward, we're still sorting that one out. We need .ico files 16x16px and 100x100px any format files. So send your submissions into with the subject Icon Contest 2 and you may win. Send it in, humans (bots can too).

We'll Post More, We Promise

-The One With The Nose

Sorry about not posting more, we've been busy having lives. We'll post more often from now on, with more gameplay videos, more reviews, and more contests. See you humans and bots soon.

What Do You Want From Us?

-The One With The Nose

What is it that you want from us? For our next montage, we're looking for your input as to what to do. We can do sniper, zombies, pistol, knife, stun grenade, or any other weapon or grenade. Email with the subject montage2 or just comment with your ideas and we'll put it up. Also, if your idea is the one we use, we'll put any non-obscene message at the end of the video you want. Remember to comment and subscribe, humans and bots of the internet.

How To Not Play COD


Here's the link to a new video we have posted. Check it out and subscribe!


-David Whatley
-Critical Thought Games

-The One With The Nose

Rating: 9.23
Price: $0.99

This game is truly amazing, one of the best TD games I've ever played. With simplistic controls, excellent sounds, and unholy graphics, this game is top notch. The basic goal of the game is, like all TD games, to stop the enemy, in this game creeps, from reaching the end through placement of defense towers. Towers can be upgraded through money earned when creeps are destroyed. There's a wide variety of towers, ranging from the vortex tower to the taser tower, each with seven levels of upgrade.
There are three overarching levels to the game, the standard "easy", "medium", and "hard". I've only managed to get past some medium levels, but I'm not very good at TD games. While extremely difficult, the game still manages to be very enjoyable. Critical Thought Games did this game right, in almost every way. There are very few complaints I have with this game, but there are some aspects of the game that need improvement. For one, the game becomes very difficult in the higher levels. Another, the game's sounds are in need of major change, in that they sound like free sounds that came with a $5 game engine. Overall though, this is a good game and definitely worth the $0.99 is costs. 

Monday, August 1, 2011


we now have a twitter follow us!


So I'm sure you guys have heard of the game mincraft before. Right now I'm going to say it's awesome. This game will be very popular, because guess what the full version of the game hasn't come out yet. Only one problem is the LAG. The lag feels like it is built in. But once you get used to the lag it is a great I like it a lot. Maybe the programmers could try to fix it. I suggest it greatly. It is a bit confusing at the beginning but here is a help web site.

I'll rate it a 9.5/10

AppBlitz here....

Well my fans, you gave this site more views in a a day than the rest of the month combined!

And remember, it's!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Guess What... AppBlitz!

-The One With The Nose

Guess what... we're partnering with AppBlitz! That means more dependable reviews, more viewers, and the best  of reviews possible. AppBlitz, at, is amazing. I'm friend's with the owner, and he's committed to giving you the best app reviews possible. I'll personally be doing reviews for AppBlitz as well as Random Studios Gaming Blog, specializing in iPhone 4 and iTouch 2G. As the owner of AppBlitz says,
"AppBlitz is an all welcoming review site for all iOS apps. We mainly like to review gaming apps, but we take any suggestions on app reviews. We are happy to take The One With The Nose into our community. Check out our YouTube, FaceBook, and Twitter!"
Shamelessly self marketing as usual, I see. Nicely done, sir

Infrequent Posting

The One With The Nose-

Sorry guys for not posting for a while. I haven't really been spending time making videos, instead messing with my computer and seeing what I can do. I'll try to post more often. Don't stop checking for updates

Monday, July 4, 2011

inFAMOUS Glitches

The One With The Nose:

This video had to be shared. I was playing inFAMOUS with a friend, playing in The Waren on the evil side mission "Stick it to the Man", when I die... again. This death was different from the five or six preceding it though in that when I died, instead of falling to the ground, this happened.

Note: This had been happening for a minuet or so before my friend managed to get his cell phone camera out. Available on the blog's YouTube channel soon. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

PlayStation Network Welcome Back nearly over!

The One With The Nose:

Remember the PlayStation Network blackout? Well, the "Welcome Back" program that Sony put out to make amends is nearly over. Sunday, July 3rd will be the day that the Welcome Back program expires, so hurry up and get your free games, and start your 30 days of PlayStation Plus! For details on the Welcome Back program, go to

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

PlayStation Plus Birthday

The One With The Nose:

PlayStation Plus is turning one year old, and Sony is giving us, get this, free stuff! Sony seems to be giving more and more stuff. Here's what they're giving us.

-When you buy the 1-year PlayStation Plus package, you get 3 months free

-When you buy a 3-month package, you get 1 month free

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In case you were wondering

The One With The Nose:

As you can tell, we haven't updated for several days now, and you might be wondering why. Even though we're gamers, we have lives, (surprise!), and much has been happening in them. Also, we've made a new page on the blog, the Stats page. Check it out. We'll be putting statistics on everything gaming, such as consoles, games, and accessories. That's our update for today.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Electronic Entertainment Expo 2011 (E3)

The One With The Nose:

Well, as you all know, the 2011 Electronic Entertainment Expo started today. For those of you who don't know what this is, E3 is the largest gaming expo in the United States. It annually exhibits new games, game systems, and everything else gaming. For those of you lucky enough to get a ticket to be on the floor, good job. For the rest of us, there are numerous streams of E3, including on the PlayStation Home. Make sure to check it out.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

PSN News: Welcome Back program useful information

The One With The Nose:

Today, and yesterday, I was attempting to redeem the two free games from the Welcome Back program. Unfortunately, it came up with an error message due to high traffic when I tried to download the games. So, naturally, I waited until today to try again, but the icon for the free PS3 games was gone. To go around this issue, do the following-

XBM >>
PlayStation Network >>
Account Management >>
Transaction Management >>
Services List >>
SCEA Promotions

-and you're done!

Friday, June 3, 2011

PSN News: Update 7

The One With The News:

The PlayStation Network "Welcome Back" program is online, and the end of this series of PSN posts.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

PSN News: Update 6

The One With The Nose:

I'm sure everyone's tired of the PlayStation Network news at this point, but there have been some interesting developments. First, the PlayStation Store is online, completing the restoration of the PlayStation Network. Unfortunately, the "Welcome Back" program isn't running yet, though I expect that will be running on Friday when final tests are completed. I'll let you all know when the "Welcome Back" program is running, and when I have to start reviewing games again.

Next Post

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

PSN News: Update 5

The One With The Nose:

Hopefully, this will be the second to last post about the "Great PlayStation Network Blackout of 2011". Yesterday, Jeff Rubenstein, Social Media Manager, announced on the PlayStation Blog that all PlayStation Network services will be running at normal capacity by the end of this week. After 41 days without service, I expect people will be overjoyed at this news.

Next Post

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 Reveal Trailer

The One With The Nose:

Well, the Modern Warfare 3 trailer has been released. Obviously, here it is. To me, this looks fairly amazing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

PSN News: Update 4

The One With The Nose:

Well, it would seem that PSN is partially down again. This time, it's the ability to login through the site. This is not the result of a hack, according to the PlayStation Blog, but Sony's doing. This is probably because Sony doesn't want their servers to go down. You can still reset your password from your PS3, just not from the browser.

Next Post

Monday, May 16, 2011

PSN News: North America "Customer Appreciation" Details

The One With The Nose:

Well, I was feeling particularly "floaty" just now, so I decided to stalk the PlayStation Blog. There was a wonderful article on the "Welcome Back"/"Customer Appreciation" program for North America. This program includes:

PS3 (2 of the following)

PSP (2 of the following)
  • Little Big Planet (PSP)
  • Mod Nation Racers
  • Pursuit Force
  • Killzone Liberation

  • A selection of “On Us” rental movie titles will be available to PlayStation Network customers over one weekend, where Video Service is available. Those titles will be announced soon.
  • 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership for non PlayStation Plus subscribers.
  • Existing PlayStation Plus subscribers will receive an additional 60 days of free subscription.
  • Existing Music Unlimited Premium Trial subscription members will receive an additional 30 days of free premium subscription.
  • Additional 30 days + time lost for existing members of Music Unlimited Premium/Basic subscription free of charge for existing Premium/Basic members.
  • To welcome users Home, PlayStation Home will be offering 100 free virtual items. Additional free content will be released soon, including the next addition to the Home Mansion personal space, and Ooblag’s Alien Casino, an exclusive game.

I'm pretty excited.

Next Post

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Modern Warfare 3

The One With The Nose:

Whilst upon one of my numerous escapades upon the vast plane of the internet, I happened to stumble upon (internet pun) the teaser trailers for MW3. They're amazing, in my opinion.





Undoubtedly, this game will be on the PlayStation 3 and XBox 360, so I have tagged it as such.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


The One With The Nose:

I am pleased to report that PSN is coming back up, starting with firmware updates and online play! This is great news for all of us, and I'm about to go play online. Here's the map of the US for what states have services back online.

Next post

PSN Video

The One With The Nose:

There has been an update in the form of a video on the PlayStation Blog.

Next post

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Service Update

The One With The Nose:

As of now, we will have a feed at the bottom of this page from the PlayStation Blog in order to have up to the minute updates. We will continue to write summaries for each update, as well as our own personal interpretations, but this new feature will allow for instant updates.

Monday, May 9, 2011



O NOOOOOO what will we do with our lives with no psn....
well here are some of psn's updates
we do have lives just saying don't take this serously....
it was for fun!
you do need some difference in your day..
I have been talking for to have a good day with out psn

Sunday, May 1, 2011

PSN News: Update 3

The One With The Nose:

Finally, a real breakthrough! Yesterday, Patrick Seybold posted a press release on the Playstation Blog, saying that the Playstation Network should be up within the week. Also, there will be a "Welcome Back" event to reward Sony's loyal customers for staying with Sony.

Central components of the “Welcome Back” program will include:
  • Each territory will be offering selected PlayStation entertainment content for free download. Specific details of this content will be announced in each region soon.
  • All existing PlayStation Network customers will be provided with 30 days free membership in the PlayStation Plus premium service. Current members of PlayStation Plus will receive 30 days free service.
  • Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity subscribers (in countries where the service is available) will receive 30 days free service.
Here's what they say will be up within the next week:

The initial phase of the rollout will include, but is not limited to, the following:
  • Restoration of Online game-play across the PlayStation®3 (PS3) and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) systems
  • -This includes titles requiring online verification and downloaded games
  • Access to Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity for PS3/PSP for existing subscribers
  • Access to account management and password reset
  • Access to download un-expired Movie Rentals on PS3, PSP and MediaGo
  • PlayStation®Home
  • Friends List
  • Chat Functionality

Well, I'm looking forward to music and games for free. This is going to be pretty awesome once PSN is back up. It's a good move on Sony's part to have this event, as it will help keep customers with Sony. They also went through what has been happening in the last 10 days on the blog post.

Working closely with several outside security firms, the company has implemented significant security measures to further detect unauthorized activity and provide consumers with greater protection of their personal information. The company is also creating the position of Chief Information Security Officer, directly reporting to Shinji Hasejima, Chief Information Officer of Sony Corporation, to add a new position of expertise in and accountability for customer data protection and supplement existing information security personnel. The new security measures implemented include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Added automated software monitoring and configuration management to help defend against new attacks
  • Enhanced levels of data protection and encryption
  • Enhanced ability to detect software intrusions within the network, unauthorized access and unusual activity patterns
  • Implementation of additional firewalls
Well, I know I'll sleep better knowing that there is someone in Japan protecting my Little Big Planet levels from the world's hackers. Seriously though, it's good that Sony is upping their security. It will be required that you change your password once PSN comes back up to ensure account security. I hope their timeline for when PSN will come back is accurate, because I want to play online this weekend at the latest.

Next post

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

PSN News: Update 2

The One With The Nose:

Today on the Playstation Blog, Patrick Seybold posted the following:

Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve the current outage of PlayStation Network & Qriocity services. We are currently working to send a similar message to the one below via email to all of our registered account holders regarding a compromise of personal information as a result of an illegal intrusion on our systems. These malicious actions have also had an impact on your ability to enjoy the services provided by PlayStation Network and Qriocity including online gaming and online access to music, movies, sports and TV shows. We have a clear path to have PlayStation Network and Qriocity systems back online, and expect to restore some services within a week.
We’re working day and night to ensure it is done as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience and feedback.
The message that Mr. Seybold is referring to can be found at the following URL; Why they say "US excluding Massachusetts and Puerto Rico, I don't know.

Basically, this says that personal information has been compromised in this hack, and credit card data may be at risk. Also, PSN will (if all goes well) be up within the next week! For reinventing a gigantic system like PSN, that's fairly good time. Hopefully my next post will be to announce that PSN is up and running.

Next post

Monday, April 25, 2011

PSN News: Update

The One With The Nose:

On the Playstation Blog today, Patrick Seybold wrote:

I know you are waiting for additional information on when PlayStation Network and Qriocity services will be online. Unfortunately, I don’t have an update or timeframe to share at this point in time.
As we previously noted, this is a time intensive process and we’re working to get them back online quickly. We’ll keep you updated with information as it becomes available. We once again thank you for your patience.
There are rumors that PSN America could be up tuesday, but because of this post, my hopes aren't high.

Next post

Sunday, April 24, 2011

PSN News: More info (again)

The One With The Nose:

All of us who know about this PSN outage also know that Sony is taking absurdly long to get PSN back (pardon the pun) online. This is because Sony is apparently rebuilding the entire Playstation Network! No ETA as of yet for PSN, but hopefully it will be soon. For all of you losing faith in Sony, don't. Sony will fix this soon, and bring PSN back up better than ever, Hopefully.

Next post

Saturday, April 23, 2011

PSN News: More info

The One With The Nose:

Since 420, PSN has been down, as many of you know. This is due to an outside group hacking the Playstation Network causing Sony to shut down PSN. Many people have been blaming the group "Anonymous" for the hack as part of "Operation Payback", but there is no evidence to support this, and the group has denied the hack was at their hands. There has been no word from Sony as to when PSN will be back online, but it's already been 3 days since PSN was up, and the gamers are getting impatient. Especially with the releases of games such as SOCHUM 4, Mortal Combat, and Portal 2, gamers want PSN back.

Next post

PSN News

The One With The Nose:

If you own a Sony game system and have played it since Wednesday, April 20, you probably noticed that you couldn't sign in to PSN. I had no idea why this was happening until I looked it up today. On April 22, Patrick Seybold wrote on the Official Playstation Blog,
"An external intrusion on our system has affected our PlayStation Network and Qriocity services. In order to conduct a thorough investigation and to verify the smooth and secure operation of our network services going forward, we turned off PlayStation Network & Qriocity services on the evening of Wednesday, April 20th..."
Playstation Blog
This is the first time I have seen something like this happen in the (around) seven years I have owned Sony systems, and hopefully it will be resolved soon. This shut-down has made for many unhappy gamers. Here are 
some of the Twitter, Facebook, and other social thingies on the internet posts

#Playstation This Playstation Network outage is defining a new level of cyber-disaster.... 48 hours + of no online gaming. Aaaaargh

@whiteburnsred #psn is still down and shows no sign of working anytime soon. #mylifesucks

I personally don't think the hack shut down the Playstation Network instantly, since a friend and I were trying to play online last Friday and couldn't get our PS3s to connect to one another. It's a shame this is happening. This hack isn't hurting Sony, it's hurting the gamers. 

Next post

Thursday, April 21, 2011


The One With The Nose:

All of you who play Civilization V, and some of you that don't, you know about the modding feature in the game. For those of you who don't, in Civilization V, users can program mods that affect gameplay. The mods can be anything from creating a new map to a whole new civilization. Well, I just came across the modding SDK, so I decided to try it out. Send in ideas about what we should make in a mod by emailing

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New addition!

There has been an addition to the site, The Polls! page. Here, we will post polls that will directly affect what we do on the site, and what we make. Be sure to visit The Polls! page

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Montage 1 Is Now Out!

Hey guys My first montage is out. The video and our channel are bellow


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The PlayStation 3

Well, it's our first console review! Lets hope this doesn't fail like the icon contest...

The One With The Nose

Rating: 30/30

Well, there are a lot of things that the PS3 is, but one not among them is mediocre. Sony put a lot of work into this console, and it shows. With its 1080p resolution, 320 gigabytes of hard disk, and free PlayStation Network service, it's hard to beat this console. The PlayStation 3 is both aesthetically and technologically pleasing. It's an extremely durable system, so durable that I have left it running for a week in a cupboard (on accident) and suffered no ill-effects. Though the controller is a tiny bit too small for my hand, the third-party controllers I have found fit perfectly, and work at the same speed as Sony controllers.

Friday, April 1, 2011

For April...

Well then, it's now April...

...and you just lost the game.

You are now emotionally injured, because I have made you lose the game. Expect it more. April Fools...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Beginning of an Era... ish

On the suggestion of one of our viewers, we are going to begin comparing consoles. We plan on having this begin later this week, just as soon as we can write up a rating sheet. Hope you like it!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Warcraft III Expansion Pack: Frozen Throne

The One With The Nose

Rating: 9.3

I just recently acquired this expansion pack, and I enjoy it immensely. I wrote a letter to Blizzard Entertainment a few weeks back complimenting Warcraft III and expressing my hope that I would eventually be able to play the expansion pack Frozen Throne. Not only did they write back with a personal letter, they sent me a free copy of Frozen Throne. Right on, Blizzard! Now then, onto the review...

I've been playing this game every chance that I've had, and I pride myself on knowing the little details of the game. There are very few glitches that I know of, but the few that there are are interesting. One glitch that I know of is that, if you are playing as a human, if you select a peasant that is working on a building with another peasant, that peasant will not be able to move or work for around 30 seconds after the building is completed. There are a variety of new units in the Frozen Throne expansion pack, and new buildings. The new units are as follows:


  • Blood Mage (Hero)
  • Dragon Hawk Rider (Air unit. Built in Griffin Aviary)
  • Spell Breakers (Ground unit. Removes spells and melee. Built in Arcane Sanctum)

  • Crypt Lord (Hero)
  • Obsidian Statue (Ground unit. Heals units. Built in Slaughterhouse)
  • Destroyer (Flying form of Obsidian Statue)
Night Elf:

  • Warden (Hero)
  • Mountain Giant (Ground unit. Heavy melee. Built in Ancient of Lore)

  • Shadow Hunter (Hero)
  • Troll Batrider (Air unit. Built in Beastiary)
  • Spirit Walker (Ground unit. Ethereal. Built in Spirit Lodge)
There are also the addition of neutral heroes that can be hired at Taverns to do your bidding. They are as follows
  • Naga Sea Witch
  • Paandaren Brewmaster
  • Beastmaster
  • Dark Ranger
  • Pit Lord
This game is definitely worth the money it costs, and if you own Warcraft III, you should definitely buy the Frozen Throne expansion pack. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Plants vs Zombies

The One With The Nose

Rating: 10

Personally, I love this sort of game; you know, the kind that is so simplistic that you can pick it up in a heartbeat, yet it still has a challenge. Plants vs Zombies is a row based tower defense game. It's amazingly addicting, and incredibly fun. For those of you who haven't yet played Plants vs Zombies, the objective of the game is to prevent the zombies from reaching your house. As the game goes on, this becomes more difficult to do. You start off with just a few plants, and as you advance, your selection of sadistic seeds swells to a sanity-shaking amount. Each plant has its own good things and bad things. For example, a sunflower creates extra sun, which is what you use to create your plants, but cannot attack zombies and is weak. There are two main types of plants: plants and shrooms. Shrooms need very little or no sun to be created, so they are the perfect plant for night. On the other hand, they aren't as powerful as plants. Plants need more sun to be created than shrooms, but are stronger. The plants of the game all have their own unique perks and shortfalls, and combined with the rest of the game, produce a hilariously fun game. This game, at least on the Mac, is worth every penny it costs.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Montage coming soon!

Hey guys I am in the process of making a montage. I have only the trailer for now.
If i can get 10 likes on it and 5 comments from you guys saying how it is and any suggestions; also put your from the blog. If that becomes true it will be up by this weekend.
subscribe for more, I have just poster a lot of videos and a lot more coming!
I will also make a post here when the montage comes out

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Little Big Planet 2!

Sorry for the delay on the review. There are a few reasons that I haven't finished this review. One, this game is just too big to write a review of in one sitting. If you have played Little Big Planet 2, you know what I mean. Two, I have had many things going on in my personal life, so I haven't had much time, and won't until March.

The One with the Nose
Rating: 10

Finally, Little Big Planet 2 came out. This long awaited sequel was released two months after its original release date. Finally, on January 18, 2011, Little Big Planet 2 was released, and it far surpassed all of my expectations. What I saw in Little Big Planet 2, before playing it, was that it was just Little Big Planet with about 15 add-ons. Instead, what I got was a whole new world of creation, an infinite plane of imagination, a plain of dreams. This game is, in my opinion, the best game of its kind, the best of its class.

The story mode

Though I haven't played the story, I know from the bit I played that it is new and improved from the first game's story. The story mode of the first game wasn't so much a story as a series of connected levels with some plot. The levels were fun mind you, and I enjoyed them greatly, but that's what they were, levels. In the new game, the story mode is a game in itself, complete with cut scenes, plot, and fabric protagonists. The story starts off as always with the introduction. It shows your sackboy/sackgirl running through the level, and learning basic controls. You go up to a tree, which is the one from the LBP symbol, and stand there when suddenly you are sucked up by the negativitron! As you are being sucked in, you are miraculously saved by DaVinci, who was on the lookout in that part of the sky. You are then inducted into the alliance; a mysterious union bent on destroying the negativitron.

The online mode

Creation mode
In the creation mode, you can create levels to be published and played by other players. If you remember, we talked about the creation mode for Little Big Planet. For Little Big Planet 2, the creation system is more advanced, and slightly more complex. The creation system has had the edition of Logic. Using Logic, levels can become more advanced and fine tuned.

Say you want to make a bomb drop if one button is pressed, but not two. To do that, you would use an XOR logic gate and link the two buttons to the XOR gate. If you want to have the bomb to drop if button 1 and button 2 are pressed and button 3 isn't, you link button 1 and button 2 to an AND gate and link the AND gate and button 3 to the XOR gate and do some complex logic so that button 3 doesn't work on its own.

Other than logic, the game has a few more new features, some of which are Movers and Rotators...

Movers and Rotators
Movers are one of my favorite features in the game. Using movers, players can cause objects to move in ways that traditional motors can't do. There are a great many types of movers, all of which are useful for different things. For example, you can use a IN/OUT mover for shelves that move from layer to layer (farther forward or farther back).

Another new feature I want to talk about is the Controlinator

The controlinator is my favorite feature of the game. The controlinator is one of the big things that allow you to make games in Little Big Planet 2. The controlinator allows you to control game objects directly from your controller. For those of you who played Little Big Planet 1, this is a huge thing. No longer do creators need to make hard to use systems of buttons and levers, just pop a controlinator in, wire it up, and play.

Part 2 coming soon...
Like, this week soon....

Really soon...

Black Ops Game play
Here is some Black Ops game play; tell us if you want a commentary with the video
; also tell us if you want more game play Fifa 11, Little Big Planet, Little Big Planet 2 or anything else on the Consoles/Games page.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

LBP2; Best songs ever

credit to RagnarokHybrid for the video

So, this is a gaming blog, so I really shouldn't be talking about a song, but it's a game song so.... Ok, this song is called "The End is Nigh" by Paul Thomson. The song is under the interactive music section in Little Big Planet 2 it is somewhere in Little Big Planet. Here's a link to it... and here's a video of it...