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Monday, August 22, 2011

PlayStation Portable 2000

-The One With The Nose

Rating: 9.0

This system holds a special place in my heart, as is was the first system that was mine. It wasn't a family system, I owned it. This system is fairly portable, though it doesn't quite fit into a normal pocket comfortably. The graphics are acceptable, and the RAM is high enough for the games on the system. The PlayStation Store can take a while to load as the system doesn't stay connected to the Internet when it's not in use. The system has a wide variety of tasks that can be preformed, from playing movies and TV shows to reading comics to playing music, its range is wide enough for the typical consumer. The system has some disk space built in, and comes with a 1GB SD card for having a good amount of hard disk. The typical game on the PSP won't take up a GB, but FPS games will. If you're thinking of buying a PSP, I'd recommend getting a 2GB or more SD card for game save data and DLC. Overall, this is a solid system, and worth the price of $109.99.