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Email us with any questions or reviews. Leave the subject untouched.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Icon Contest 2

-The One With The Nose

Anyone remember the first icon contest? I thought not, it was a failure. Anyway, we're having another icon contest, and the winner will receive a shutout video and post. There may also be a monetary reward, we're still sorting that one out. We need .ico files 16x16px and 100x100px any format files. So send your submissions into with the subject Icon Contest 2 and you may win. Send it in, humans (bots can too).

We'll Post More, We Promise

-The One With The Nose

Sorry about not posting more, we've been busy having lives. We'll post more often from now on, with more gameplay videos, more reviews, and more contests. See you humans and bots soon.

What Do You Want From Us?

-The One With The Nose

What is it that you want from us? For our next montage, we're looking for your input as to what to do. We can do sniper, zombies, pistol, knife, stun grenade, or any other weapon or grenade. Email with the subject montage2 or just comment with your ideas and we'll put it up. Also, if your idea is the one we use, we'll put any non-obscene message at the end of the video you want. Remember to comment and subscribe, humans and bots of the internet.

How To Not Play COD


Here's the link to a new video we have posted. Check it out and subscribe!


-David Whatley
-Critical Thought Games

-The One With The Nose

Rating: 9.23
Price: $0.99

This game is truly amazing, one of the best TD games I've ever played. With simplistic controls, excellent sounds, and unholy graphics, this game is top notch. The basic goal of the game is, like all TD games, to stop the enemy, in this game creeps, from reaching the end through placement of defense towers. Towers can be upgraded through money earned when creeps are destroyed. There's a wide variety of towers, ranging from the vortex tower to the taser tower, each with seven levels of upgrade.
There are three overarching levels to the game, the standard "easy", "medium", and "hard". I've only managed to get past some medium levels, but I'm not very good at TD games. While extremely difficult, the game still manages to be very enjoyable. Critical Thought Games did this game right, in almost every way. There are very few complaints I have with this game, but there are some aspects of the game that need improvement. For one, the game becomes very difficult in the higher levels. Another, the game's sounds are in need of major change, in that they sound like free sounds that came with a $5 game engine. Overall though, this is a good game and definitely worth the $0.99 is costs.