Email us.

Email us with any questions or reviews. Leave the subject untouched.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Respawn Army!

hey guys we are going to join the respawn army app on Facebook. The Respawn army is a way for Machinima to find to recruitment's, like us. You also upload game play and earn badges.
Here is the link to the respawn army page
We will give you more info on the respawn army deal and a new strategy for zombies on ascension it got us to round 28 just messing around we will be making a video on YouTube also.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Song Of The Week: 8/28

-The One With The Nose

This week's song of the week is one of my personal favorites, "Code of Conduct" by Hans Zimmer in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 soundtrack. This is a really great song, and excellent for the zombie apocalypse, in case that happens.

Monday, August 22, 2011

PlayStation Portable 2000

-The One With The Nose

Rating: 9.0

This system holds a special place in my heart, as is was the first system that was mine. It wasn't a family system, I owned it. This system is fairly portable, though it doesn't quite fit into a normal pocket comfortably. The graphics are acceptable, and the RAM is high enough for the games on the system. The PlayStation Store can take a while to load as the system doesn't stay connected to the Internet when it's not in use. The system has a wide variety of tasks that can be preformed, from playing movies and TV shows to reading comics to playing music, its range is wide enough for the typical consumer. The system has some disk space built in, and comes with a 1GB SD card for having a good amount of hard disk. The typical game on the PSP won't take up a GB, but FPS games will. If you're thinking of buying a PSP, I'd recommend getting a 2GB or more SD card for game save data and DLC. Overall, this is a solid system, and worth the price of $109.99.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Song Of The Week: 8/21

-The One With The Nose

This week's song of the week is a truly excellent song, "Lullaby of a Deadman" by Kevin Sherwood and Elena Siegman in the Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies soundtrack. Look at it, it's really very good.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Song Of The Week: 8/14

-The One With The Nose

This week's song is the song is "The First Sons"  by Jim Dooley in the inFAMOUS soundtrack. Check it out.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nintendo Wii

-The One With The Nose

Rating: 8.3

The Nintendo Wii, in my opinion, is a solid system. It's a good party system, not so much a serious gaming system. The wave of motion controls was really started by the Wii, and the Wii remained the only console to have motion controls for quite a while. It has pretty good accuracy from the motion controls, but not to the level of playing Call of Duty or other first-person-shooter games. At it's core, it's a party system, built for Nintendo games, such as Super Mario Brothers, and 3rd party games built for Nintendo, like Metroid. Games like Super Mario Party 8 and Super Smash Brothers Brawl are excellent on this system, and if you have low blood pressure, playing Mario Cart will work better than any medication to fix it. I give this system an 8.3, because it's a good system, but nothing to take over a small country for. So, go out and get a Wii if you want to play at parties, humans and bots.

New Thing That We're Doing

-The One With The Nose

So, guys, we're starting up this new program where we select a song from a game soundtrack and post it on the site. We'll do this every Sunday. Send suggestions into for what songs you want to see up. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

More On Music

-The One With The Nose

Ok, this isn't a game review, contest, video announcement, news update, or anything of that sort. This is music, game music. You might be surprised by us talking about music, but hey, that's one of the most important aspects of a game. So, reader, have you ever bought a game soundtrack? There are some amazing songs in there that you missed in the explosions or whatever was happening in-game. I was just listening through the soundtracks to Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops on iTunes, and let me tell you, they're amazing. Hanz Zimmer, thank you for Modern Warfare 2's soundtrack. You wrote almost every song on there, and they're excellent! Go out and listen to the songs. Here's a song I particularly recommend: "Damned" in the Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies soundtrack. It's the opening song that everyone knows, and it's good. That's all I have to say, humans and bots. See you on the internet.

Montage 2 trailer is out!


Hey guy montage 2 trailer is out! Here is the link

Full montage is on its way way soon! It will come faster if you subscribe!

Quick New Video Out


I uploaded a quick video of my knife being glitched.


We promise we can do better..


We now have a new video of us not failing at zombies as much as the last one, but we can do much better were working on it.
Anyways heres the video.

Remember subscribe!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Icon Contest 2

-The One With The Nose

Anyone remember the first icon contest? I thought not, it was a failure. Anyway, we're having another icon contest, and the winner will receive a shutout video and post. There may also be a monetary reward, we're still sorting that one out. We need .ico files 16x16px and 100x100px any format files. So send your submissions into with the subject Icon Contest 2 and you may win. Send it in, humans (bots can too).

We'll Post More, We Promise

-The One With The Nose

Sorry about not posting more, we've been busy having lives. We'll post more often from now on, with more gameplay videos, more reviews, and more contests. See you humans and bots soon.

What Do You Want From Us?

-The One With The Nose

What is it that you want from us? For our next montage, we're looking for your input as to what to do. We can do sniper, zombies, pistol, knife, stun grenade, or any other weapon or grenade. Email with the subject montage2 or just comment with your ideas and we'll put it up. Also, if your idea is the one we use, we'll put any non-obscene message at the end of the video you want. Remember to comment and subscribe, humans and bots of the internet.

How To Not Play COD


Here's the link to a new video we have posted. Check it out and subscribe!


-David Whatley
-Critical Thought Games

-The One With The Nose

Rating: 9.23
Price: $0.99

This game is truly amazing, one of the best TD games I've ever played. With simplistic controls, excellent sounds, and unholy graphics, this game is top notch. The basic goal of the game is, like all TD games, to stop the enemy, in this game creeps, from reaching the end through placement of defense towers. Towers can be upgraded through money earned when creeps are destroyed. There's a wide variety of towers, ranging from the vortex tower to the taser tower, each with seven levels of upgrade.
There are three overarching levels to the game, the standard "easy", "medium", and "hard". I've only managed to get past some medium levels, but I'm not very good at TD games. While extremely difficult, the game still manages to be very enjoyable. Critical Thought Games did this game right, in almost every way. There are very few complaints I have with this game, but there are some aspects of the game that need improvement. For one, the game becomes very difficult in the higher levels. Another, the game's sounds are in need of major change, in that they sound like free sounds that came with a $5 game engine. Overall though, this is a good game and definitely worth the $0.99 is costs. 

Monday, August 1, 2011


we now have a twitter follow us!


So I'm sure you guys have heard of the game mincraft before. Right now I'm going to say it's awesome. This game will be very popular, because guess what the full version of the game hasn't come out yet. Only one problem is the LAG. The lag feels like it is built in. But once you get used to the lag it is a great I like it a lot. Maybe the programmers could try to fix it. I suggest it greatly. It is a bit confusing at the beginning but here is a help web site.

I'll rate it a 9.5/10

AppBlitz here....

Well my fans, you gave this site more views in a a day than the rest of the month combined!

And remember, it's!